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Friday, May 16, 2008

More Britney Pregnancy Pics

She Can't Deny This $h#t Now:
Britney Spears Pregnant

Brit Brit spent a few hours at LA's Kerlan-Jobe Clinic, a center for sports injuries, not prenant women. But...

The source said: “Despite daily workouts, she has put on a lot of weight in recent weeks.

“She isn’t saying if she is pregnant, but she is taking medication which has affected her weight.

“Living with her dad — a chef — means she has piled on pounds. She is extremely paranoid about her body at the moment.”

Britney is also believed to be struggling with her weight after she stopped taking Adderol, a stimulant prescribed for attention deficit disorder and used by women to keep hunger under control.

Addiction specialist Marty Brenner said: “Weight gain is a common side effect.”

Ha ha ha...she pregnant. She's going to have a little cross-breed paparazzi/pop-star baby which will grow up to take pictures of itself and have a short-lived career as a pop-tart on Disney. The poor kid will be its own rise and fall. Awesome...

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