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Friday, April 25, 2008

Simpson Shows Skin Pre-Baby?

Ashlee Simpson Poses before Baby Bump?:
So the rumors have been flying about the youngest of the Simpson clan being 'with child'. She keeps avoiding all questions but we all have our own assumptions. I am going to apply some logic to the situation for a few moments.

Simpson recently posed in a bikini for the cover shoot of Shape magazine. Note: Hottie in Bikini Below
bunny with fangs

I am going out on a limb here, but let's be honest. If you were young, beautiful, in shape and about to have a baby(?) wouldn't you want to show off your pre-baby body to the world? I sure would. And I have a feeling that Ashlee would do the same.

"I started working out more, which really helped me tone up," she says. She ramped up her exercise routine with L.A. celebrity trainer Mike Alexander. With two or three one-hour sessions per week, Ashlee is achieving her goal of having a powerful yet feminine body. "Exercising makes me feel stronger and sexier," she says. "It just makes my whole day better. I have more energy to perform, my head is clearer—which helps me write my lyrics—and I sleep better. What more can you ask for?"
I guess if we wait 9 months we will all get our answer...

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