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Monday, June 2, 2008

Kurt Cobain Stolen From Courtney

Well, His Ashes At Least, Considering He's Dead:
kurt cobain

Someone jacked Kurt's ashes from Love's house...

This is not the first report of theft of Kurt’s belongings from Love. Recently Love filled out a complaint that somebody had stolen Cobain’s social security number and embezzled a lot of money from the late singers estate and now this. Courtney said: "I can’t believe anyone would take Kurt’s ashes from me. I find it disgusting and right now I’m suicidal. If I don’t get them back I don’t know what I’ll do.”

She has stated in the past that she would hide the ashes inside of a pink teddy bear shaped bag along with some of his hair. "I used to take them everywhere with me just so I could feel Kurt was still with me. Now it feels like I have lost him all over again.”

While that's the ultimate eBay item...that really effing sucks. I actually have some sympathy for Courtney...

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