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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Drunk Shia Gets B*tch Slapped

Oh Man, This One's Rough...:
Check out a drunk Shia getting slapped around...NSFW

Wow...he's pretty drunk. It kinda reminds of me freshman year in college. Now we start the countdown timer to measure how long it takes before he apologizes to the gay community for saying 'faggot'. Lindsay Lohan must be so pissed off right now! Seriously, if the gay rights community gets a hold of this, it could end up affecting DVD sales of Indiana Jones and no one wants that. My money says he apologizes in the next 24 hours.

Ready, set, go.


Anonymous said...

It would AFFECT sales, not EFFECT them. If anyone cared. Learn english before you start blogging.

Anonymous said...

Ouch, grammar police out in full effect.

Meghan said...

It's fixed...relax. I was just so overwhelmed by Shia's obvious misstep that lost my bearings and forgot my perfect blogging grammar. Forgive me?

Shawn Wasson said...

Dear AFFECT assbag,
If anyone cared. Really? You're going to correct grammar with an incomplete sentence?