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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Spoiler: SATC Reviewed & Leaked

I'm So Sorry, I Saw It And MUST Fill You In:
sex and the city
Okay, I am going to apologize in advance to those die hard fans like me. If you don't want to know the details then please stop reading! The Bunny had connections and I saw SATC tonight. I have got to dish the details! I laughed...hard, I cried...because I feel their pain and I loved the entire thing!

So it seemed to me that all four main characters (Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte) were all extremes of their characters from the show. Miranda was extra harsh and super unforgiving to Steve when he cheats (but follows through with her nude scenes). Samantha was in need of a good lay and breaks up with Smith because of it. BTW, she turns 50 in the movie. Charlotte finally gets everything (including the pregnancy) that she's ever wanted. Finally, Carrie marries Big (even after he leaves her at the alter and breaks her heart).

There...I said it. I spoiled the movie. I'm sorry.

There are up's and down's. There are really funny moments and really sad moments. The fashions live up to all that we hoped for - the shoes and all! Every performance was well done and I applaud the director and writers. They didn't leave you hanging believing that there would be a sequel(dammit!), but there is always a possibility and plenty of storylines to follow.

I hope this doesn't make you not want to see it, in fact I will be there Friday night to see it again. The best part was that I felt like I was in my living room watching HBO episodes again but with an extra 400 guests that understood why I loved those gals.


Sidenote: As much as I hated the soundtrack when it fit well with the movie. I still stand by the fact that Fergie's song blew ass, though.

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