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Friday, May 9, 2008

Tom And Katie Give Suri A Sibling

There Is Talk Of A New Scientology Baby:
Tom Cruise

“She said she’s got the itch,” said a friend close to the pair. “Now that Suri is more toddler than baby, she said she misses having an infant in the house. And, of course, she thinks Suri would make a great big sister.”

Tom's thoughts...
“He said if Katie wants to make another baby, she doesn’t have to ask twice,” said the pal of the power couple. “He always wanted more. It was Katie who has been holding off. Until now.”

Maybe she's been holding off because she knows how much pain it can be to push a watermelon out of a hole the size of a lemon in silence... just a thought. I miss Dawson's Creek Katie.

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