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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jessica Simpson Dumped Again

We Hear That Romo Dumped Jessica This Weekend:
Jessica Simpson
A blogger reports...

“They’re broken up,” according to a pal of the Dallas Cowboys quarterback. “He told us they broke up and that was that. We’re guys so we didn’t talk about it much.”

“[Tony was] having a blast playing Pop-A-Shot mini golf and bags,” according to a source. “He was with some football college buddies and drinking Grey Goose and Diet Cokes.”

“He was surrounded by girls,” according to an eyewitness. “We had to restrain some who forcibly tried to make their way to his table.”

Romo’s night entailed a bevy of beauties, including one blonde in particular he spent a lot of time talking to, and an “impressive” amount of alcohol.

“He zeroed in on one blonde all night,” a source said. “That blonde wasn’t Jessica Simpson.”

Ha ha ha...serves her right. I love it when pretty girls get what they deserve - dumped. It's like calling pregnant teens fat, it's mean and wrong, but I just can't help it.

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